“I need a drink!” Isn’t this the thought we have after a strenuous or stressful workday? But what happens when you consume alcohol daily? Over time, you start becoming dependent on alcohol and may even begin to consume alcohol or binge drink. And what happens when you start consuming excessive alcohol regularly for a prolonged period?

The following are some of the adverse effects of excessive and chronic alcohol consumption:
Alcohol has short-term and long-term impacts on your body, and the short-term effects are:
Impulsive behavior
Changes in mood
Nausea and vomiting
Headache or migraine
Loss of coordination
Blurred vision
The trouble with focusing or concentrating
Some of the long-term effects are as follows:
Damages Pancreas
Drinking alcohol can lead to pancreatitis, characterized by inflammation and swelling of blood vessels in the pancreas. Our pancreas plays an essential role in regulating insulin levels in the body, and damage to this organ can result in an inability to manage blood sugar levels properly. This, in turn, can increase the risk of developing diabetes or hypoglycemia.
Damages Your Central Nervous System
Prolonged and excessive consumption of alcohol can harm the brain by damaging brain cells and potentially reducing brain size, according to an analysis done by the University of Pennsylvania. This damage can lead to impaired communication between the brain and body, affecting speech, mood, behavior, and decision-making abilities, among other things. Additionally, chronic heavy drinking can cause permanent brain damage and memory problems.
Causes Different Types Of Cancer
Alcohol consumption has been linked to the development of various types of cancers, such as mouth, throat, esophagus, colon, liver, and breast cancer. This risk is even higher when alcohol is combined with smoking. When alcohol and smoking are mixed, the impact on the body is more significant than when either substance is used alone. The combination can raise the chances of developing various health issues, such as liver disease, heart disease, and respiratory problems, in addition to cancer. Moreover, it can increase the risk of accidents and injuries, impair cognitive function, and reduce immune function.
Cardiovascular Issues
Excess alcohol intake can disturb the regular heartbeat rhythm even for a single night. High blood pressure is an initial indication of cardiovascular effects due to alcohol. Over time, it can weaken the heart, leading to poor oxygen and nutrient delivery to other body parts and organs. There is also a risk of experiencing cardiomyopathy and stroke as a result.
Mental Health
Long-term alcohol consumption, as we saw above, can damage brain cells and harm mental health. This can impact emotions, mood, behavior, and memory, potentially worsening anxiety symptoms, depression, and other mental health conditions. Overall, prolonged alcohol use can severely affect brain function and mental well-being.
Weakened Immune System
The adverse effects of alcohol on the body are diverse, including the cells of your immune system. The chemicals in alcohol can damage immune cells and reduce their ability to repair themselves, making you more susceptible to infections and diseases. Long-term alcohol consumption can lead to decreased numbers and function of immune cells and inflammation, further weakening the immune system. Moreover, excessive alcohol consumption can make it harder for the body to respond to even medications and vaccines, making it difficult to fight off infections and illnesses.
Consuming even small amounts of alcohol can have both short-term and long-term health consequences. However, it’s important to note that the negative impacts mentioned earlier do not necessarily affect everyone who consumes alcohol, as individual differences in factors like diet, exercise, habits, and medical conditions can influence how alcohol affects the body as age, genetics, and gender may also play a role in how alcohol impacts a person’s health.
It is crucial to control your alcohol consumption or even quit drinking altogether. The immediate consequences of drinking, such as hangovers, mood swings, and headaches, can affect various aspects of your life, including family, social, and work life. Consider consulting with your doctor to determine if you are experiencing any of the above-mentioned problems.
You can benefit from our range of IV infusions, which can help with aftereffects of alcohol consumption, such as hangovers, headaches, migraines, dehydration, fatigue, chronic pain, and more. Book an Initial Consultation with us, and let us help tailor your IV hydration therapy to your needs.