When you consume too much of calories, the body utilizes only a considerable amount of it for energy, and the remaining are stored as fat, which leads to many health concerns ranging from heartburn, obesity, and gastrointestinal issues that include bloating, diarrhea, and abdominal pain, particularly in the upper gastrointestinal tract.

Continued overeating is a concern that is worth paying attention to. Here are the problems one might experience when overeating:
Being Hungry (all the time)
Ghrelin (produced when you have not eaten for a long time) and leptin (which makes you feel full) are 2 major hunger hormones your body produces. Eating foods that contain high fat, salt, and sugar may release happy hormones like dopamine. Over time, you might start craving these foods more, even when you are not hungry, which might disrupt hormones like ghrelin and leptin.
Unwanted Weight Gain/Obesity
As noted before, the excess calorie you consume is stored as fat in your body. Unwanted weight gain is not just about how much you eat. It is more about what you eat. Carbohydrates and fatty foods give your body energy, but consuming more of these foods will eventually cause weight gain and obesity.
Increases Risk Of Diseases
Overeating, if continued, can lead to many metabolic conditions such as diabetes, fatty liver disease, stroke, heart disease, PCOD, etc. Consuming excess fat (trans) can particularly put you at risk for cardiovascular diseases.
Stomach Problems
Eating past your stomach’s capacity can make you nauseous and cause indigestion. Eating large amounts of spicy and processed foods, and drinking fizzy beverages like soda, can cause gas and bloat. When you overeat, the hydrochloric acid produced in the stomach to break down the food moves up the food pipe, causing heartburn and acid reflux.
Feeling Tired and Sleepy
Many become tired and sleepy after overeating, and there is a reason why you become drowsy. This is because your sugar levels drop shortly after eating a big meal. Your stomach expands to accommodate the excess food and makes you feel uncomfortable and sluggish.
National Eating Disorders Association says that around 2.8 million Americans have Binge Eating Disorder (B.E.D.). It is easy to overeat when you don’t pay attention to whether you feel full or not. Nevertheless, it is essential to take appropriate measures to bring your eating pattern under control to avoid serious medical problems and maintain a healthy life.
Book an initial weight loss assessment with us to enjoy your life with good health.